Beauty is personal. Enhance every feature.

Considering a little lift, plump or contour?

From your cupids bow to your playful pout, your elegant contours to your charming dimples, it’s the little things that make you, you. But how do you emphasize the little wonders of you? Whether it’s a lift,1,2 plump, or volume restoration,1,2 the hyaluronic acid in JUVÉDERM® binds to water in your skin,3,4 embracing and accentuating your natural features.

Speak to your practitioner about JUVÉDERM® today.

See the difference JUVÉDERM® can make



JUVÉDERM® facial fillers for enhancing your features

*Clinical study assessed lower face as chin and jaw area.19


"I’d never heard of Juvéderm, but having now experienced a couple of treatments, it enhances more than changes, it improves what you naturally have"
Your questions, answered

Your practitioner will take the time to understand what you’re looking for and create a unique treatment plan based on your beauty goals.5 They’ll assess your face while it’s both moving and static to develop your treatment plan.5 And to create facial harmony with a beautifully balanced look, they may recommend a holistic approach that targets more than one area of your face5,20,21

JUVÉDERM® fillers are non-permanent as they are broken down by the body over time.3,6 They can last anywhere between 9 and 24 months depending on your treatment and product chosen.17,18

You may experience some bruising, swelling or pain,1,2,8-13 but these side effects are generally mild and resolve in the weeks following treatment.1,2,8-13 Your practitioner may advise avoiding the following for up to two weeks:1,2,8-13

  • wearing makeup on treated areas
  • spending time in the sun, saunas, or exposed to UV radiation
  • spending time in very cold temperatures

You’ll start seeing the effects of JUVÉDERM® right away.16 As the hyaluronic acid in JUVÉDERM® begins to absorb water in your skin, it will continue to expand for 24 hours following your treatment.3 Once any side effects that you may experience1,2,8-13 have settled down, you’ll get to fully enjoy your JUVÉDERM® look.



自然豐盈 細緻淡紋19

臉上的細紋皺紋讓人更顯老態。Juvéderm® VOLIFT® 減淡法令紋、木偶紋等表情紋19,20,療程後用家感覺年輕5年以上20



Juvéderm® VOLBELLA® 都可以助您針對眼周的煩惱。21


隨年齡增長,臉部輪廓因組織流失而開始下垂17,18。要重拾年輕感,Juvéderm® VOLUMA® 為自然提昇輪廓打好基礎16,獲超過95%用家滿意即時效果15

立體輪廓 側顏立現4

下顎線是締造面臉美學的關鍵,對整體輪廓有協調美觀的重要作用。Juvéderm® VOLUX™

